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;- Exchange rate 1$ = 82₹
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Pay-Date Username Amount Method
07/03/2024 Ka****0 $2.4469 Paytm
06/03/2024 Ze****6 $5.0160 Payeer
06/03/2024 Sa****h $2.1029 UPI`India,
04/03/2024 MT****e $9.6412 UPI`India,
03/03/2024 Si****3 $3.8100 UPI`India,
02/03/2024 Jo****1 $10.9399 Payeer
01/03/2024 Sa****2 $2.0329 UPI`India,
01/03/2024 MU****O $5.0210 UPI`India,
01/03/2024 Li****e $8.9757 UPI`India,
29/02/2024 Lu****D $24.4904 AirTm
29/02/2024 Sh****k $2.5730 UPI`India,
29/02/2024 Ju****p $131.6220 Payeer
29/02/2024 Al****3 $2.0096 UPI`India,
28/02/2024 Sa****d $26.4150 PayPal
27/02/2024 Ze****6 $5.0380 Payeer
27/02/2024 Sh****k $3.0220 UPI`India,
27/02/2024 Pe****s $8.9101 Payeer
26/02/2024 MT****e $8.1500 UPI`India,
25/02/2024 MA****0 $6.6080 Payeer
24/02/2024 Sh****k $3.6440 UPI`India,